
I usually do at least one live group coaching program per year. Please sign up to my mailing list (if you’re not already on it) here. That way, you’ll be among the first to know when registration opens.
I’m no longer doing private coaching but I’m honored you asked! If you want to go deeper with my work, I recommend you take one of my DIY coaching programs. You will get downloadable video coaching from me, pre-recorded audio coaching and PDFs that have given countless people the clarity, know-how and firm kick in the rear they’ve needed to be successful. You can find more details and sign yourself up here: https://jensincero.com/coaching
I don’t have anyone in particular I recommend but my advice on finding a coach is for you to do your research, talk to friends and hear recommendations, read books written by coaches and get on their mailing lists, go to coaching seminars and events, etc. Working with a coach is a very personal thing and finding the right one for you is all about being clear on who/what you’re looking for and doing everything you can think of to find them (and then not being cheap about taking the plunge to work with someone when you do find them). Remember: When the student is ready the teacher appears.
I’m afraid not, but thanks for asking!
I’m not hiring at the moment.
All of Jen’s contact info is on the contact page here: jensincero.com/contact.
All of Jen’s contact info is on the contact page here: jensincero.com/contact.
The best way to find out where in the world I’m going to be is by joining my mailing list here at jensincero.com, as well as by connecting with me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. I am extremely vocal about my upcoming events cuz I loves me some travel, I loves me some speaking and I especially loves me some meeting of my peeps! So please, follow me on social media and become part of the badass posse.
My schedule doesn’t allow me to provide email coaching to everyone who writes in, but thank you for asking.
I’m not doing any collaborations / participating in affiliate programs, but I am hugely grateful for all the big work you're doing in the world and for thinking of me.
First of all, huge congrats on finishing your book! I know all too well what’s involved in creating a finished manuscript and I salute you. My congratulations are all I can offer at this point, however, as I get asked to review or endorse so many books that I must say no. But thank you for asking and well done.
My schedule won’t allow it so I’m afraid not. BUT please keep your eyes peeled for my next book tour/speaking gig and if you come see me, and if I’m signing stuff, I will gladly take a sharpie to whatever you put in front of me.

For special orders of You Are a Badass® at Making Money: Mastering the Mindset of Wealth, You Are a Badass® Every Day, or Badass Habits, please contact Viking Press.

For special orders of You Are a Badass®: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, please contact Running Press.

To inquire about translation rights to Jen’s books, please contact Sophie Baker at Curtis Brown.
My books are available in all sorts of languages but I unfortunately can’t provide links to all the different places to purchase them. If you’re having trouble locating my books in a particular language, please reach out to my publishers: You Are a Badass® is published by Running Press, You Are a Badass® at Making Money is published by Viking Books.
There is indeed a workbook available for You Are a Badass® — you can order that HERE. There is no workbook for You Are a Badass® at Making Money, but if you’d like to go deeper with my material, I highly recommend you check out my You Are a Badass® DIY Program. It will give you the accountability, clarity, structure and mindset you’re looking for. You can find more details and sign yourself up here: https://jensincero.com/coaching.
I don’t currently have any kind of supplementary material for my books, but be sure to sign up for my mailing list, if you haven’t already, so you can be among the first to know about any new developments.
The mighty list is linked at the bottom of the page - you can read it HERE.
I have a strict “no gifts” policy, but thank you so much!
I didn’t take any specific or formal training to become a coach. I learned everything I know about it from reading a ton of books and working with loads of different coaches over the years.


I don’t offer scholarships or special payment arrangements outside of the payment plans listed.
I don’t do barters, exchanges, or special payment arrangements outside of the payment plans listed.
I’m unable to make special payment arrangements outside of the payment options listed.
I only accept credit card payments.

Badass Live Group Coaching Program Questions

Yes, the course includes access to a private Facebook group, where you can interact with Jen and others taking the course.
Yes, the live program includes 4 Q&A calls with Jen and the group.
Yes, the course membership area will be accessible indefinitely. That said, we encourage everyone to download the materials in case the site is ever taken offline (we have no plans to do this but just in case). That way you’ll have a hard copy that you can refer to from anywhere, anytime so please, download!
Yes. Not having a clear goal at the start of the course is a common concern for people, so fret not! The first week of the course is all about helping you get clarity, honing in on a specific goal and putting a plan in place to achieve it.
Absolutely. The materials for the course are yours to keep forever (hence, please download them). No matter what you decide to focus on for your first 8-week goal, you can use the techniques you learn and the course materials to keep kicking ass again and again and again.

Badass DIY Coaching Program Questions

Yes. Not having a clear goal at the start of the course is a common concern for people, so fret not! The first week of the course is all about helping you get clarity, honing in on a specific goal and putting a plan in place to achieve it.
My program is for anyone looking to make a change—be it drop the weight, find love, make more money, get a more rewarding career, deepen your spiritual practice or simply find more joy in life. You'll be asked to focus on one goal during the 8-week course. Then through a series of video tutorials, worksheets, recorded coaching calls, etc., the course will help you achieve that goal. You can get all the details of the course at https://jensincero.com/coaching.
No. The DIY Coaching Program is a home study course based on my previous live group coaching sessions. It’s a great way to get guidance, clarity and motivation to follow my strategies, but it’s a Do It Yourself course, there are no live or interactive aspects.
No, this is purely a DIY course. That said, the materials include recordings of me coaching people who are going through this very same course. I find that most of the questions that come up in the live coaching call recordings are very common among course participants, so please listen to all of them as you might find that my feedback can be applied to whatever questions you have. It’s like I’m reading your mind sometimes. Srsly.
Yes, the course membership area will be accessible indefinitely. That said, we encourage everyone to download the materials in case the site is ever taken offline (we have no plans to do this but just in case). That way you’ll have a hard copy that you can refer to from anywhere, anytime so please, download!
Absolutely. The materials for the course are yours to keep forever (hence, please download them). No matter what you decide to focus on for your first 8-week goal, you can use the techniques you learn and the course materials to keep kicking ass again and again and again.

Book Proposal Course Questions

This course will work for any non-fiction book including cookbooks and memoirs. The book proposal course does not apply to children’s books or fiction. If the course doesn’t apply to your writing project, however, fear not, we haven’t left you out in the cold! Check out the Badass DIY program which is designed to help anyone achieve any goal, including writing a children’s book or novel. You can get all that info here: https://jensincero.com/coaching.
It can help you to focus and hone in on one idea. As you work through the exercises, you’ll begin to see the possibilities, find out what topics are important to you, what would make a successful book, etc.
While you may gain some helpful insights and other benefits from this course, it’s primarily designed to help you prepare a book proposal for the US publishing market.
Yes, the course membership area will be accessible indefinitely. That said, I encourage everyone to download the materials in case the site is ever taken offline (we have no plans to do this but, you know, just in case). That way you’ll have a hard copy that you can refer to from anywhere, anytime so please, download!
I use MS Word. Works great for me.

Still have questions about the courses? Before writing in, please read this FAQ page to see if it’s already been answered and to make the Badass team love you for being so self-sufficient. You can reach us at [email protected].