Coaching Programs
You Are a Badass® 8 Weeks to Awesomeness Group Coaching Program
Sign up for the group coaching program that’s helped countless people double their incomes (or more), launch their businesses, find love, quit their soul-sucking jobs, drop the weight... basically, be all the Badass they can be! You will receive live coaching from Jen, support from your fellow badasses, short videos, MP3s and worksheets that walk you through an easy and transformative 8-week process to getting real results.
How To Write And Sell Your Non-Fiction Book Proposal
Get my proven, step-by-step system for writing an agent-ready, industry-standard nonfiction book proposal, and writing it quickly. You will receive the same system I used to sell two NY Times bestselling books and that’s helped countless clients get their proposals finished, sold and turned into real live published books, launching their careers and landing some on The Today Show and the NY Times Bestseller List.
Go after your dreams like your life depends on it. Because guess what?
Your life depends on it.
Receive My “10 Secrets to Being a Badass” Now!
Yes, I want the "10 Secrets to Being a Badass" free download. I also want to receive advice, inspiration and loving, yet firm, motivational spankings from Jen. Enter your first name and email below to download and sign up.